Delta Zeta Chapter |

Sam Houston State University

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Welcome to the Delta Zeta Chapter of ZTA at Sam Houston State University!

Being a Zeta Tau Alpha means more than just being a part of a sorority. It means more than just the letters you wear or the social events you go to. Being a Zeta Tau Alpha means that you belong to a group whose three most important attributes are sisterhood, love, and friendship. Being a Zeta Tau Alpha means you will always have someone that will be there for you. It's a feeling that warms your heart and always reminds you that you will never be alone. It is where you will meet some of your best friends and even your future bridesmaids. Although the ZTA experience may begin in college and graduation may sneak up, the sisterhood and bond you will make will last a lifetime. Zeta is Forever!

Explore our website to find out more about ZTA, our chapter, upcoming events, and our philanthropy. The ZTA experience is truly a unique one. Take a look and experience the possibilities.